Monday, January 28, 2013

Oracle IdM (11g R2) Installation steps

The following are the steps to install and configure Oracle IdM 11g R2.
For installing the Oracle Identity manager 11g R2, SOA is a prerequisite.
Latest version of SOA should be installed (11.1.6)
Note: Assumption is that you have the required software downloaded

1. Install Database. Oracle 11gR2
2. Run Repository Creation Utility for
 2.a) SOA 11.1.6
 2.b) OIAM 11gR2

You should download RCU for both SOA and OIAM separately

3. Install Weblogic Application server. (10.3.6)

4. Install SOA.

5. Install Oracle Identity Access Manager (OIAM).

6. Configure domain for weblogic server (select SOA and Oracle Idm applications while configuring the domain)

7. Configure Oracle IdM by running the config.bat from the following location <Oracle_IDM1>\bin\config.bat - Based on your selections this step configures the Oracle Idm server, design console, Oracle Remote manager.

8. To setup design console - follow these steps.
This step generates the "wlfullclient.jar".
 8.a) cd <Middleware_Home>\wlserver_10.3\server\lib >

Note: Make sure the JAVA_HOME variable is set either in the command prompt that you are currently using or as the environment variable.

 8.b) Run this command:
java -jar < Middleware_Home>modules/com.bea.core.jarbuilder_1.x.x.x.jar
Note: Depending on what version of Java is installed on your system that jar file name could be different, check under the modules folder/directory for the correct jar file name.
 8.c) once the above command is run, check for the wlfullclient.jar under the lib directory. Copy this jar file to <Oracle_IDM1>\designconsole\ext.

9. Run the script to configure the database security keystore - located at <Oracle_IDM1>\common\tools

 9.a) <Middleware_Home>/oracle_common/common/bin/wlst.cmd \
Oracle_IDM1>/common/tools/ \
-d <
Middleware_Home>/user_projects/domains/<your_domain_name> -c IAM -p <Password that you used> -m create

Note: -c option must be IAM
Once the installation is complete start the services by runnning the following commands:
cd <Middleware_Home>\user_projects\domains\base_domain\bin
startWeblogic.cmd - to start the Weblogic Admin Server
startManagedWebLogic.cmd <soa_server1> - Start SOA Server

startManagedWebLogic.cmd <oim_server1> - Start OIM Server